Confirmation is a tradition in the church that teaches the basics of the Christian Faith. In Baptism, the Holy Spirit gives the gift of faith so that one might believe (cling to) the promises God makes in Baptism. Those promises are forgiveness of sins, salvation, and life forever with God. 

Confirmation is not mandatory for membership at Immanuel, but is highly encouraged! Typically, this program is for students in 7th & 8th grade. We use Luther's Catechism (book of instruction) to talk about the most important parts of what we believe, while exploring the teachings of the Bible and the teachings of the Church. Students also learn about the faith God has given to them in their baptism, which is continually fed, and fueled, by receiving the gifts God gives in his Word and Sacraments.

After students have completed the classes, we'll work together to create their own statement of faith, and participate in the Rite of Confirmation.

Email Joe Ferwerda with questions or desire to enroll in Confirmation.